DriveSpec is the drive to remove, e.g. U: or an NTFS mountpoint as "C:CardReaderMulti Reader SD" or . for the current drive or for the drive of the RemoveDrive.exe or a volume name like \?Volume{433619ed-c6ea-11d9-a3b2-806d6172696f} or a kernel name like DeviceHarddiskVolume2 (Volume) or a kernel name like DeviceHarddisk2DR0 (Disk) or a partition name like DeviceHarddisk2Partition1 or a device ID or a friendly name like 'Corsair Voyager' Wildcards can be used. [-L] loop until success [-e] try to dismount and eject if the removal fails [-h] show open handles (admin rights required, exprimental, may freeze!) [-h:X] show open handles on a different drive (e.g. a TrueCrypt volume whose container is on the drive to remove) [-w:nnnn] wait nnnn milliseconds before close [-s] self delete removedrive.exe [-b] let Windows show the "Safe To Remove Hardware" balloon tip [-i] stop Windows indexing service (CiSvc) for a moment if required (admins) [-d] show debug information
Only one drive is prepared for safe removal. 本资源为网盘资源哦,大家只要输入提取码:y2dd就能提取到相应的资源啦!