开源SFTP客户端 WinSCP v5.15.3 Build 9730 绿色便携版

软件大小:5.7 MB




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 WinSCP是一款可以在微软 Windows 系统环境下使用的支持 SSH 命令的开源图形化 SFTP 客户端工具。同时也支持 SCP 文件传输协议,它的主要功能是在本地与远程计算机间安全地复制文件等。拥有它可以避免多工具来回切换的麻烦,所有工作可以在这一个平台上搞定。






  • 图形用户界面;

  • 多国语言界面支持;

  • 与 Windows 平台完美集成(拖拽,URL,快捷方式);

  • 支持所有常用文件操作;

  • 支持基于 SSH-1、SSH-2 的 SFTP 和 SCP 协议;

  • 支持批处理脚本和命令行方式;

  • 多种半自动、自动的目录同步方式;

  • 内置文本编辑器;

  • 支持 SSH 密码、键盘交互、公钥和 Kerberos(GSS)验证;

  • 通过与 Pageant(PuTTY Agent)集成支持各种类型公钥验证;

  • 提供 Windows Explorer 与 Norton Commander 界面;

  • 可选地存储会话信息;

  • 可将设置存在配置文件中而非注册表中,适合在移动介质上操作;

该绿色版本由软件缘博主基于官方便携版建议打包分享,删除多个不必要的说明文件并内置简、繁体中文语言包,关闭主程序自动检查更新功能,赠予各位绿软或建站爱好者超实在开源图形化 SCP/SFTP 工具一枚!

WinSCPv5.15.3.9730 更新の日志:

= Back-propagated SSH security fixes from PuTTY 0.72;
= SSH private key tools PuTTYgen and Pageant upgraded to PuTTY 0.72
= Using recommended sizes of icons when installed from Microsoft Store;
= XML parser upgraded to Expat 2.2.7;
= Translations updated: Hungarian, Simplified Chinese and Spanish;
= File panel incremental search can be disabled using raw configuration setting;
= Retrying deleting fake temporary folder created when pasting remote files to Windows File Explorer;
= Fixed With every start on a monitor with different DPI than the primary monitor;
= Fixed Speed limit does not work with S3 protocol;
= Fixed Site folder loses names of its sites;
= Fixed Compare Files extension cannot handle paths with spaces;
= Fixed Local recycle bin is unintentionally scanned,slowing down browsing;
= Fixed .NET assembly debug log file timestamps shows as GMT,while they are actually local times;
= Fixed Cannot upload files over 50 GB to S3;
= Fixed When using a local custom command from Synchronization checklist window opened from a command-line;
= Fixed When saving an edited site or default settings,WinSCP prompted for the master password;
= Fixed When opening a connection from a command-line,which does not have a local directory set yet;
